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Climate Justice Symposium panel and workshop

Saturday, September 21, 2024 9:30 a.m.-6 p.m.

Seelye Hall 301
Open to the Public

9:15-10:45 AM - Session E: Just Energy Transitions (Chair: Alexander Barron)

  • Jacob Park, University of Johannesburg. Understanding and Accelerating the Financing of Green and Just Transition in Africa: What Can We Learn from South Africa’s Just Energy Transition Partnership Framework?
  • Teniel Rhiney, Andre Tarleton, Ana Beatriz Juarez Stucker, Krista Harper, Charlie Sullivan, and Nicholas Caverly, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. A Just Residential Energy Transition through an Intersectional Feminist Lens.
  • Yu Cao, University of Alaska Fairbanks. Environmental Racism in Alaska: A Case Study of Historical Nuclear Legacy.
  • Ania Camargo, Thermal Networks Senior Manager, Building Decarbonization Coalition.

    4:30-6:30 PM - Workshop 1: Rest for Movement, for the Rest of Our Lives

    Description: Feminist ways of knowing the world include considering the importance of our first ecosystem – the human body. In this experiential workshop, we explore what it means to engage in changework “from the inside out” in support of sustaining all life on our planet. Seen through the lens of overachievement cultures, this can sound like a lot of work. But what if being the change we wish to see in the world didn’t have to be so exhausting? We take seriously yet playfully sensory ways of knowing, including movement and stillness, as feminist intervention. Furthermore, we consider the liberatory possibilities of centering s p a c i o u s n e s s and REST in our movement building: for healing our individual and collective nervous systems, visioning a world we want, and gathering the courage to act and support each other to create next-right pleasurable, imperfect actions. Come ready to close your eyes, open to visioning other worlds, and curious to learn. Workshop leader: Benita Jackson