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In 2004, Smith College made history when 19 women graduated as part of the first class of engineers ever from an all-women’s ABET-accredited engineering program. The reasons to study engineering at a women’s liberal arts college are compelling. As a creative endeavor at the intersection of design, science and mathematics, engineering draws on nearly all aspects of the human experience, including history, politics, economics, arts and societal aspirations. The work of engineers both exacerbates and solves some of our gravest societal problems, including climate change, disease, resource limitations and conflict.

Visit the Engineering Moodle page for program information, resources, and more.

Requirements & Courses

Goals for Majors in Engineering

The Picker Engineering Program has adopted the seven student learning outcomes suggested by ABET. For each learning outcome, the engineering faculty have identified specific performance indicators that can be measured—there are two to three performance indicators for each learning outcome. The learning outcomes are as follows.

  • An ability to identify, formulate and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science and mathematics.
  • An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental and economic factors.
  • An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
  • An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental and societal contexts.
  • An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks and meet objectives.
  • An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.
  • An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.

Engineering Science, Bachelor of Science 

Smith offers an undergraduate curriculum leading to an ABET-accredited degree in engineering science, the broad study of the foundational scientific and engineering principles that govern the practice of all engineering disciplines. The bachelor of science degree program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, The American Society for Engineering Education, identifying the critical need for broadly educated engineers, points out that the design of an engineering curriculum should “recognize the pitfalls of overspecialization in the face of an increasing demand for graduates who can demonstrate adaptability to rapidly changing technologies and to increasingly complex multinational markets.” An integral component of the program is the continuous emphasis on the use of engineering science principles in design. This culminates in a final capstone design project that incorporates societal context and impacts. Students are encouraged to pursue an industry and/or research internship to complement their classroom instruction. Engineers must be able to communicate effectively and work in team settings. Smith’s highly-regarded writing intensive first-year curriculum ensures that engineering students begin their engineering curriculum with appropriate communication skills that will be refined during the remainder of their studies. Many engineering courses offered at Smith incorporate elements of teamwork and various modes of communication.

  1. Eight credits of math from the following: MTH 111MTH 112MTH 211, a topic of MTH 264
  2. Two additional courses in math: MTH 212 and PHY 210
  3. Three natural science courses:
    1. PHY 117 or PHY 119
    2. CHM 111 or CHM 118
    3. One lab science (5 credits) from the following: PHY 118PHY 119CHM 118CHM 222CHM 224BIO 130/BIO 131BIO 132/BIO 133 
  4. One course on probability and statistics from the following: SDS 201,
    SDS 220 or MTH 246
  5. One computer science course from the following: CSC 110CSC 120CSC 205/ MTH 205CSC 210 or CSC 220
  6. Seven required engineering courses: A topic of EGR 100, EGR 110EGR 220EGR 270EGR 290EGR 374 and EGR 410D
  7. Five additional  technical depth courses, chosen in consultation with the major adviser.
    • At least four out of the five courses must be engineering courses at the 300 level or higher.
    • Special studies and honors credits can be counted toward this category by petitioning the department.
  8. A year-long capstone design course, taken in the senior year, that incorporates appropriate engineering standards and multiple constraints and is based on the knowledge and skills acquired in earlier course work. Students may satisfy the capstone design requirement through a design-based project with an individual member of the faculty (EGR 421D), or through a team-based industry or nonprofit-sponsored project (EGR 422D).  
  9. Liberal arts breadth, one of the following: 
    • Complete Latin honors distribution requirements
    • Complete requirements for another major or minor exclusively within Division I (humanities) or Division II (social sciences)
    • A proposal, approved by the department, to fulfill the requirements for a minor that is not exclusively within Division I and/or II where a minimum of five proposed courses have a Smith College Latin honors distribution coding other than or in addition to N (natural science) and M (mathematics and analytical philosophy).
    • Cogent proposal, approved by the department, describing an alternative approach (e.g., concentration) including all courses the student will take to acquire curricular breadth, for consideration and approval by the engineering faculty in exceptional circumstances
  10. Book of Evidence requirement: Engineering majors must complete a book of evidence with a minimum of 17 approved artifacts. These artifacts serve as evidence of the performance indicators that are linked to the program’s ABET student outcomes and mapped to the curriculum. 
Major Requirement Details
  • Engineering science majors with PHY 119 credit are not eligible to take PHY 118PHY 119 can fulfill the introductory physics requirement or the 5-credit lab-based science requirement but not both. 
  • CHM 118 can fulfill the general chemistry requirement or the 5-credit lab-based science requirement but not both.
  • It is strongly recommended that students complete all math, science, and 100- and 200-level EGR requirements by the end of the first semester in their junior year. 

Engineering Science Minor

The minor in engineering science enables students to study engineering in a meaningful and flexible way.


Five courses

  1. A topic of EGR 100
  2. EGR 110
  3. Three additional engineering courses, at least one of which must be at the 300 level or higher, approved by an engineering academic advisor.

The minor requires prerequisite courses in math and science that depend on the set of engineering courses chosen by the student. The flexibility allows multiple pathways through engineering with different areas of focus.

Course Information

A topic in EGR 100 introduces potential majors and non-majors to the field of engineering through authentic practice and design. Other required courses introduce the fundamental engineering principles and concepts that underlie most fields and engineering and impart the skills and capacities that are necessary for deeper learning within engineering.

Seminars in an area of faculty expertise, while topically diverse, leverage the expertise of our faculty and their work as scholars. Additionally, these courses are connected to each other and to our required courses through deep and coherent knowledge of cross-cutting principles and authentic practices. More foundational technical-depth courses provide the basis for additional study in many areas of engineering.

Engineering majors receive priority registration in engineering courses listed as for "Engineering majors only."  All students with the appropriate prerequisites are welcome on a space-available basis.


EGR 100df Topics: Engineering for Everyone-Design for the Future (4 Credits)

This class explores a range of future societal challenges before settling on a “grand challenge” of particular interest to students to focus on with our design work. Through readings, discussions, short assignments and a semester-long collaborative design project, students work together to identify unmet needs and learn a process for creating solutions to meet those needs. Students start by developing an initial understanding of a need area through relevant background research and then spend the majority of their time continually improving solution ideas through prototyping, testing, feedback and revision. Restrictions: EGR 100 may not be repeated. Enrollment limited to 20. {N}

Fall, Spring, Variable

EGR 100ee Topics: Engineering for Everyone-Energy and the Environment (4 Credits)

Through readings, discussion, labs and lectures, students learn about human activity related to energy usage and the consequences to Earth’s environment. This knowledge is applied to motivate, design and build scale models of net-zero energy buildings. Through simple lab exercises, students learn to program microcontrollers that measure temperatures and control features within their model buildings, and corresponding analyses enable students to demonstrate how energy from the sun can be utilized in design to reduce carbon-based energy sources. Restrictions: EGR 100 may not be repeated. Enrollment limited to 20. {N}

Fall, Spring, Variable

EGR 100hh Topics: Engineering for Everyone-Challenges in Human Health (4 Credits)

This course explores broadly how engineering design approaches can be used to address a variety of challenges in human health. Through readings, discussions, lab experiences, short design assignments, and a semester-long team design project, students work to identify open unmet biomedical needs and learn a process for how to develop solutions to meet those needs. The emphasis is on first gaining a thorough understanding of an unmet need and then on continually improving solution ideas, through testing and seeking feedback on the current set of possible solutions and learning from failure.Restrictions: EGR 100 may not be repeated. Enrollment limited to 20. {N}

Fall, Spring, Variable

EGR 100mr Topics: Engineering for Everyone-Mobile Robot Design (4 Credits)

Through readings, presentations and group activities, students are introduced to the principles of human-centered design. The engineering design process is explored through assignments that guide students in ideation, testing and documentation of an engineering system. Students engage in hands-on workshops to learn and practice new technical skills, and they apply these tools towards completing a semester-long collaborative project to design, build and program an autonomous mobile robot. Restrictions: EGR 100 may not be repeated. Enrollment limited to 20. {N}

Fall, Spring, Variable

EGR 100se Topics: Engineering for Everyone-Sustainable Energy (4 Credits)

This course focuses on the global transition of energy systems toward sustainability and net-zero emissions. There is interest across the planet to transition to energy systems that emit zero pollutant emissions – but is this actually possible? Students learn about both the engineering elements of energy systems and the societal and government initiatives for The Energy Transition. Students work in teams to design sustainable energy systems, balancing the tradeoffs in cost, reliability, community needs, consumer responsibility and the environment, that are required to achieve “net-zero.” Students also learn about what it means to be an engineer, engineering science, ethics, decision making and how to navigate through the engineering program at Smith. Restrictions: EGR 100 may not be repeated. Enrollment limited to 20. {N}

Fall, Spring, Variable

EGR 100sw Topics: Engineering for Everyone-Sustainable Water Resources (4 Credits)

Students in this course investigate and design water resources infrastructure – for hydropower, water supply, wastewater treatment, stormwater management and irrigation. Those technologies are introduced through historical and contemporary examples, along with a theme of the importance of place in engineering design. In contrast to design as invention, this course puts the emphasis on the adaptation of common designs to particular places, as influenced by climate, physical geography, culture, history, economics, politics and legal frameworks. Examples include the historic Mill River, Northampton’s water resources, Boston’s Deer Island wastewater treatment facility, San Francisco’s water supply system, California’s State Water Project and the Bay-Delta system, the Colorado River and water recycling and reclamation. Restrictions: EGR 100 may not be repeated. Enrollment limited to 20. {N}

Fall, Spring, Variable

EGR 110 Fundamental Engineering Principles (4 Credits)

The design and analysis of engineered or natural systems and processes relies on a command of fundamental scientific and engineering principles. This course provides an introduction to these fundamental underpinnings through a study of the conservation of mass, energy and charge in both steady and transient conditions with non-reactive systems. Specific topics covered include a review of process variables and their relationships, open and closed systems, differential and integral balances, and basic thermodynamics. Prerequisite: MTH 112, may be taken concurrently. Enrollment limited to 20. {N}


EGR 220 Engineering Circuit Theory (5 Credits)

Analog and digital circuits are the building blocks of computers, medical technologies and all things electrical. This course introduces both the fundamental principles necessary to understand how circuits work and mathematical tools that have widespread applications in areas throughout engineering and science. Topics include Kirchhoff’s laws, Thévenin and Norton equivalents, superposition, responses of first-order and second-order networks, time-domain and frequency-domain analyses, and frequency-selective networks. Required laboratory taken once a week. Corequisite: PHY 210. Prerequisite: MTH 212. Restrictions: Engineering majors only. Enrollment limited to 20. {N}


EGR 270 Engineering Mechanics I (5 Credits)

This course introduces the basic theoretical concepts, procedures and methodologies needed to understand the mechanical behavior of objects in static equilibrium. Topics to be covered include 2d and 3d particle and rigid body equilibrium; analysis of frames, trusses, beams and machines; centroids; distributed loading; moment of inertia; internal forces and moments; and an introduction to stress and strain. In addition to developing competence in applying standard problem-solving procedures, students also apply their understanding in real world contexts. Prerequisites: PHY 117 and MTH 112 or equivalent. Restrictions: Engineering majors only. Enrollment limited to 20. {N}


EGR 290 Engineering Thermodynamics (4 Credits)

Modern civilization relies profoundly on efficient production, management and consumption of energy. Thermodynamics is the science of energy transformations involving work, heat and the properties of matter. Engineers rely on thermodynamics to assess the feasibility of their designs in a wide variety of fields including chemical processing, pollution control and abatement, power generation, materials science, engine design, construction, refrigeration and microchip processing. Course topics include first and second laws of thermodynamics, power cycles; combustion and refrigeration; phase equilibria; ideal and nonideal mixtures, conductive, convective and radiative heat transfer. Prerequisites: EGR 110; CHM 111 or CHM 118; and MTH 212 (may be concurrent). Restrictions: Engineering majors only. Enrollment limited to 20. {N}

Fall, Spring

EGR 312 Seminar: Atmospheric Processes (4 Credits)

This course explores key topics including atmospheric circulation, global warming, stratospheric ozone depletion and urban air pollution. How does ground-level ozone form and why is it harmful to people and agriculture? What are high-pressure systems and why are they associated with fair weather? How do clouds form and what impact do they have on the climate? What instruments are being used to measure the properties of the atmosphere and how do these instruments work? This course is recommended for anyone with a solid grounding in math and science and is for students who want a better understanding of the environment. Prerequisites: CHM 111, EGR 110 and EGR 374 (may be concurrent) or equivalent. Restrictions: Juniors and seniors only; Engineering majors only. Enrollment limited to 12. {N}

Fall, Spring, Variable

EGR 314 Seminar: Contaminants in Aquatic Systems (4 Credits)

Chemical and microbiological contamination of freshwater is a growing concern around the world. Understanding how these contaminants behave in the environment is essential when considering ecosystem implications and engineering approaches towards remediation. Topics covered include water chemistry, water policy and regulation and chemical contaminant partitioning. The class explores how contaminants enter the ecosystem, the fate of these contaminants due to environmental action and the potential for remediation to help restore freshwater health using a course based research approach. In addition, current and historical water quality events are reviewed as case studies. Through the research-based course project, students have an opportunity to explore a chosen topic of interest related to water quality and/or aquatic chemical or microbiological contamination. Prerequisites: CHM 111 and one of SDS 201, SDS 220 or MTH 246. Restrictions: Juniors and seniors only; Engineering majors only. Enrollment limited to 12. {N}

Fall, Spring, Variable

EGR 315 Seminar: Ecohydrology (4 Credits)

This seminar focuses on the measurement and modeling of hydrologic processes and their interplay with ecosystems. Material includes the statistical and mathematical representation of infiltration, evapotranspiration, plant uptake and runoff over a range of scales (plot to watershed). The course addresses characterization of the temporal and spatial variability of environmental parameters and representation of the processes. The course introduces students to the Pioneer Valley, the cloud forests of Costa Rica and African savannas. Prerequisite: MTH 112 and SDS 201, SDS 220 or MTH 246. Restrictions: Juniors and seniors only; Engineering majors only. Enrollment limited to 12.

Fall, Spring, Variable

EGR 320 Signals and Systems (4 Credits)

The concepts of linear system theory (e.g., signals and systems) are fundamental to all areas of engineering, including the transmission of radio signals, signal processing techniques (e.g., medical imaging, speech recognition, etc.) and the design of feedback systems (e.g., in automobiles, power plants, etc.). This course introduces the basic concepts of linear system theory, including convolution, continuous and discrete time Fourier analysis, Laplace and Z transforms, sampling, stability, feedback, control and modulation. Examples are utilized from electrical, mechanical, biomedical, environmental and chemical engineering. The course includes several short laboratory experiences to help understand the relevant concepts. Prerequisites: EGR 220 and PHY 210. Restrictions: Juniors and seniors only; Engineering majors only. Enrollment limited to 20. {M}

Fall, Spring, Annually

EGR 322 Seminar: Acoustics (4 Credits)

Acoustics describes sound transmission through solids and fluids; the focus here is on sound transmission through air. This seminar provides an overview of the fundamentals of acoustics, including derivation of the acoustic wave equation, the study of sound wave propagation (plane and spherical waves), the study of sound transmission through pipes, waveguides and resonators impedance analogies, an overview of the acoustics related to the human auditory system and an introduction to room acoustics. The course includes several short hands-on experiments to help understand the relevant concepts. Prerequisite: EGR 220 or equivalent. Restrictions: Juniors and seniors only; Engineering majors only. Enrollment limited to 12. {M}{N}

Fall, Spring, Variable

EGR 323 Seminar: Introduction to Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) (4 Credits)

Miniature and micro-scale electromechanical systems (MEMS) have applications ranging from navigation systems in your phone to disease diagnosis at your doctor’s office. This course asks and answers questions related to MEMS fabrication, design and modeling. Application including inertial sensors, biological and chemical sensors, microfluidics and wearable devices are discussed. Students complete a final project by applying a MEMS sensor to an application of their choice. Prerequisites: EGR 220 and EGR 270. Restrictions: Juniors and seniors only; Engineering majors only. Enrollment limited to 12. {N}

Fall, Spring, Variable

EGR 324 Seminar: Fundamentals of Microelectronics (4 Credits)

The electronic world relies on transistors, amplifiers and other microelectronic circuits. This course introduces the principles required to analyze and design basic microelectronic circuits. Discussions include the device principles of diodes, bipolar junction transistors and field effect transistors, the design of simple analog and digital circuits, and microelectronic circuit analysis using simulation software (SPICE). Prerequisite: EGR 220. Restrictions: Juniors and seniors only. Enrollment limited to 12. {N}

Fall, Spring, Variable

EGR 325 Seminar: Sustainable Electric Power Systems (4 Credits)

Electric power systems across the globe, from continental to neighborhood-sized grids-are undergoing a comprehensive shift referred to as "The Energy Transition." In this course, students learn modeling and analysis tools for integrating alternative energy sources (including geothermal and new storage technologies), as well as conventional technologies, into power systems. The class  discusses barriers and possible solutions to the widespread desire to electrify everything, when the electric power grid itself is not yet sustainable, clean or reliable enough to absorb the new demand for electricity. Prerequisite: EGR 220. Restrictions: Juniors and seniors only; Engineering majors only. Enrollment limited to 12. {N}

Fall, Spring, Variable

EGR 326 Dynamic Systems and Introduction to Control Theory (4 Credits)

Dynamic systems are systems that evolve with time, such as plants growing, populations migrating, systems storing energy (RLC circuits, rolling carts, heated building), national economic behavior, etc. They occur throughout nature and the built environment. Understanding dynamic systems leads to the ability to control them, so they behave according to the engineer's design. This course introduces students to both linear dynamic systems and modern control theories, so that students are able to design and control simple dynamic systems. Through design projects, students gain practical experience in designing a simple controller for a dynamic system. Prerequisites: EGR 220, (one of CSC 110, CSC 120, CSC 205/ MTH 205, CSC 210 or CSC 220) and a basic linear algebra from course such as PHY 210 or MTH 211. Restrictions: Engineering majors only. Enrollment limited to 20. {N}

Fall, Spring, Annually

EGR 328/ CSC 328 Seminar: Digital Circuits and Sensors (4 Credits)

Offered as CSC 328 and EGR 328. Previously EGR 390dc. Digital circuits are everywhere, from basic thermostat controls and stop light sequencers to smart phones, computers and even Mars Rovers! This course covers the basic building blocks for all electronics. Students investigate basic logic circuits, combinatorial logic and sequential logic with an introduction to the basic digital circuits such as encoders and multiplexers. The second part of the semester focuses on microprocessors, using the Arduino. Students build a variety of circuits with input (from a computer, or from the environment via sensors) and programmed output (LEDs, sound, data sent to a computer), in order to learn how information from our analog world can be converted into digital data. Prerequisites: one of CSC 110, CSC 120, CSC 205/MTH 205, CSC 210 or CSC 220; and either EGR 220 or CSC 231. Restrictions: Junior and seniors only; Engineering and computer science majors only. Enrollment limited to 12. {N}

Fall, Spring, Variable

EGR 340 Seminar: Geotechnical Engineering (4 Credits)

What is quicksand and can one really drown in it? Why is Venice sinking? In this seminar students are introduced to the engineering behavior of soil within the context of a variety of real-world applications that include constructing dams, roads and buildings; protecting structures from earthquake and settlement damage; and preventing groundwater contamination. Topics covered include soil classification, permeability and seepage; volume changes; and effective stress, strength and compaction. Students use a variety of approaches to learning including discussion, hands-on activities, labs, projects, field trips and in-depth explorations of topics chosen by the students. Prerequisite: EGR 270 or GEO 241. Restrictions: Juniors and seniors only; Engineering majors only. Enrollment limited to 12. {N}

Fall, Spring, Variable

EGR 351 Seminar: Introduction to Biomedical Engineering (4 Credits)

There are countless challenges in medicine that engineering can help to address, from the molecular scale to the level of the entire human body. This course introduces students to engineering problem solving approaches to explore important biomedical questions. The class integrates learning of underlying biological systems with developing engineering thinking to examine those systems. Students use mathematical tools to interpret and model the behavior of various biological phenomena. Upon completion of this course, students are able to identify open medical needs and propose ways in which engineering can contribute to understanding and meeting those needs. Prerequisites: PHY 210 or equivalent. Restrictions: Juniors and seniors only; Engineering majors only. Enrollment limited to 12.

Fall, Spring, Annually

EGR 360 Seminar: Advanced Thermodynamics (4 Credits)

Significant challenges underlie our ability to effectively harness, convert and distribute energy. This course builds on a fundamental knowledge of thermodynamics to understand the operating principles behind, and characterize the limits of, energy generation and conversion technologies. Methods of power generation are examined, including combustion engines, nuclear reactors and hydrogen fuel cells. Topics covered in this course include: exergy, advanced cycle analysis, ideal gas mixtures, thermodynamic relations and energy analysis of reacting systems. Prerequisites: CHM 111, EGR 290 and MTH 212. Restrictions: Juniors and seniors only; Engineering majors only. Enrollment limited to 12. {N}

Fall, Spring, Variable

EGR 363 Mass and Heat Transfer (4 Credits)

This upper-level course introduces the processes and accompanying mathematical representations that govern the transport of heat and mass, including advection, dispersion, adsorption, conduction, convection and radiation. Applications include environmental transport and mixing, cooling and heat exchange, and separation processes. Prerequisites: EGR 290 and EGR 374. Restrictions: Engineering majors only. Enrollment limited to 20. {N}

Fall, Spring, Annually

EGR 373 Seminar: Skeletal Biomechanics (4 Credits)

Knowledge of the mechanical and material behavior of the skeletal system is important for understanding how the human body functions and how the biomechanical integrity of the tissues comprising the skeletal system are established during development, maintained during adulthood and restored following injury. This course provides a rigorous approach to examining the mechanical behavior of the skeletal tissues, including bone, tendon, ligament and cartilage. Engineering, basic science and clinical perspectives are integrated to study applications in the field of orthopaedic biomechanics. Prerequisites: EGR 375. Restrictions: Juniors and seniors only; Engineering majors only. Enrollment limited to 12. {N}

Fall, Spring, Variable

EGR 374 Fluid Mechanics (5 Credits)

This is the second course in a two-semester sequence designed to introduce students to fundamental theoretical principles and analysis of mechanics of continuous media, including solids and fluids. Concepts and topics to be covered in this course include intensive and extensive thermophysical properties of fluids; control-volume and differential expressions for conservation of mass, momentum and energy; dimensional analysis; and an introduction to additional topics such as aerodynamics, open-channel flow and the use of fluid mechanics in the design process. Required concurrent laboratory. Prerequisites: EGR 270 and MTH 212. Restrictions: Engineering majors only. Enrollment limited to 20. {N}

Fall, Spring

EGR 375 Strength of Materials (4 Credits)

This course introduces students to the fundamentals of mechanics of materials from a static failure analysis framework. Structural behavior is analyzed, along with the material and geometric contributions to this behavior. Lecture topics are complemented with hands-on project work designed to help students make connections between the theoretical and experimental behavior of materials. Prerequisite: EGR 270. Restrictions: Engineering majors only. {N}

Fall, Spring, Annually

EGR 376 Materials Science and Engineering (4 Credits)

Periods in human history have been defined by advancements in new materials. Discoveries in Materials Science have lead the way to new technologies in every engineering discipline and continue to be at the forefront of developing fields such as biomaterials and nanotechnology. This course provides a broad introduction into the world of Materials Science with a special emphasis on the relationship between the composition, processing, structure and properties of metals, ceramics, polymers and composites. Prerequisites: EGR 270 and EGR 290. Restrictions: Engineering majors only. Enrollment limited to 20. {N}

Fall, Spring, Annually

EGR 377 Seminar: Aerial Vehicle Design (4 Credits)

Remotely piloted and autonomous aircraft are increasingly being used in scientific research, agriculture, disaster mitigation and national defense. These small and efficient aircraft offer major environmental benefits while, at the same time, raise complex ethical and policy issues. This seminar introduces the rapidly growing field of aerial vehicle design and low-Reynolds number aerodynamics through a major project in which students design, fabricate and test a remotely piloted aircraft. Prerequisites: EGR 374, (one of CSC 110, CSC 120, CSC 205/MTH 205, CSC 210 or CSC 220), and either EGR 220 or CSC 270. Restrictions: Juniors and seniors only. Enrollment limited to 12.

Fall, Spring, Variable

EGR 388 Seminar: Photovoltaic and Fuel Cell System Design (4 Credits)

This seminar applies fundamental principles of thermodynamics, electrochemistry, and semi-conductor physics to the design, modeling, and analysis of renewable energy power systems. Concepts covered in this course include extraterrestrial radiation, solar geometry, atmospheric effects, polarization curve characteristics, system components and configurations, stand-alone and hybrid system design, and load interactions. This course applies these theoretical concepts in a laboratory setting involving the design and testing of fuel cell and photovoltaic systems. Corequisite: EGR 290. Prerequisite: EGR 220; and CHM 111 or CHM 118. Restrictions: Juniors and seniors only; EGR majors only. Enrollment limited to 12. {N}

Fall, Spring, Variable

EGR 389 Seminar: Techniques for Modeling Engineering Processes (4 Credits)

The goal of this seminar is to introduce students to several approaches used to model, understand, simulate and forecast engineering processes. One approach covered is the use of artificial neural networks—a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) with connections to the brain. Other approaches covered are based upon probability and statistics and include auto-regressive moving average (ARIMA) processes. Although students learn about the theory behind these approaches, the emphasis of the course is on their application to model processes throughout the field of engineering. Some examples include earthquake ground motion, financial markets, water treatment and electrical systems. Acknowledging the interdisciplinary nature of AI, students also investigate the possibilities of machine consciousness. Restrictions: Juniors and seniors only; Engineering majors only. Enrollment limited to 12. {N}

Fall, Spring, Variable

EGR 390es Seminar: Advanced Topics in Engineering-Embedded Systems (4 Credits)

Embedded systems use digital computer hardware to build application specific solutions, requiring a combination of mechanical, electrical and software skills. The control of many modern devices, such as automobiles, industrial machines and wearable devices, all utilize embedded design. This hands-on course guides students through the prototyping of an 8-bit microcontroller-based system: from schematic drawings, to physical wiring of components and finally to assembly-level programming to realize interrupt-based functionality. Concepts such as computer system architecture, interrupt-driven real-time control and serial communication are covered. Prerequisite: EGR 220. Restrictions: Juniors and seniors only; Engineering majors only. Enrollment limited to 12.

Fall, Spring, Variable

EGR 390fe Seminar: Advanced Topics in Engineering-Finite Element Modeling (4 Credits)

Computer simulations are an increasingly large part of engineering research and design, but how do we know if the results on the screen match reality?  This course is an introduction to finite element methods for the analysis of solids, fluids and heat transfer.  Topics covered include the creation of 1D, 2D, and 3D models of engineering problems in COMSOL Multiphysics (a commercial engineering program), comparison of modeled results to laboratory measurements, and the evaluation of modeled results.  An emphasis is not only on the creation of computer models, but also on how to validate those models with real world data. Prerequisites: EGR 270, EGR 290 and EGR 374. Restrictions: Juniors and seniors only; Engineering majors only. Enrollment limited to 12. {N}

Fall, Spring, Variable

EGR 390ge Seminar: Advanced Topics in Engineering-Geothermal Engineering (4 Credits)

Roughly two thirds of the energy used in a typical home in the United States is for heating and cooling.  Most often, this energy is produced by burning fossil fuels or pulling electricity from the grid to power inefficient space heaters or air conditioners.  Geothermal systems have been used since the 1970s to efficiently provide environmentally sustainable heating and cooling capacity for structures as small as homes or as large as hospitals.  Discussions include the different types of geothermal systems used for heating and cooling, calculating heat exchange, evaluation of site geothermal potential, design of geothermal systems, as well as construction techniques and considerations.  Course activities include discussions, design projects and field trips to ongoing geothermal construction sites (when possible).  Prerequisites: EGR 290. Restrictions: Juniors and seniors only; engineering majors only. Enrollment limited to 12. {N}

Fall, Spring, Variable

EGR 390gi Seminar: Advanced Topics in Engineering-Green Infrastructure for Water Resources (4 Credits)

Green infrastructure, which integrates natural and engineered components, is becoming increasingly popular to manage water quality and quantity.  Green infrastructure examples include permeable pavement, bioretention basins, treatment wetlands and riverbank filtration.  This course covers the science and engineering related to green infrastructure design, such as open-channel flow, hydraulics and filtration.  Additionally, it investigates how such designs are realized, with attention to siting, specifications and effects on communities.  A case study approach is used to evaluate green infrastructure performance. Prerequisites: EGR 374 or equivalent. Restrictions: Juniors and seniors only; Engineering majors only. Enrollment limited to 12. {N}

Fall, Spring, Variable

EGR 390rs Seminar: Advanced Topics in Engineering-Remote Sensing (4 Credits)

Engineers need data to solve problems, but what does one do when one can’t gain access to a location or conduct intrusive tests?  Remote Sensing explores technology such as radar, sonar, LiDAR, resistivity and other techniques used to collect data when engineers have to be “hands off.”  An emphasis on both research of cutting-edge techniques and practical application of field work and data collection.  Course activities include discussions, research projects and field work using ground penetrating radar and other systems. Enrollment limited to 12. Restrictions: Juniors and seniors only; Engineering majors only. Instructor permission required. {N}

Fall, Spring, Variable

EGR 400 Special Studies (1-4 Credits)

Restrictions: Engineering majors only. Instructor permission required.

Fall, Spring

EGR 410D Engineering Design and Professional Practice (1 Credit)

This two-semester course focuses on the engineering design process and associated professional skills required for careers in engineering. Topics include a subset of the following: the engineering design process, project definition, design requirements, project management, concept generation, concept selection, engineering economics, design for sustainability, design for safety and risk reduction, design case studies, teamwork, effective presentations, professional ethics, networking, negotiation and intellectual property. This course is required of all senior engineering students pursuing the B.S. in engineering science and must be taken in conjunction with EGR 421D, EGR 422D or EGR 431D. Restrictions: Seniors only; Engineering majors only.

Fall, Spring

EGR 421D Capstone Design with Faculty (3 Credits)

This two-semester course leverages students’ previous coursework to address an engineering design problem. Students work on a design project sponsored by an individual member of the engineering faculty. Regular design meetings, progress reports, interim and final reports and presentations are required. Corequisite: EGR 410D. Prerequisites: EGR 220, EGR 270, EGR 290, EGR 374 and at least one additional 300-level engineering course, plus a clear demonstration of intent and a faculty sponsor. Restrictions: Seniors only; Engineering majors only. Instructor permission required.

Fall, Spring

EGR 422D Design Clinic (3 Credits)

This two-semester course leverages students’ previous coursework to address an engineering design problem. Students collaborate in teams on real-world projects sponsored by industry and government. Regular team design meetings, weekly progress reports, interim and final reports, and multiple presentations are required. This course requires an ability to work on open-ended problems in a team setting. Corequisite: EGR 410D. Prerequisites: EGR 100, EGR 220, EGR 270, EGR 290, EGR 374 and at least one additional 300-level engineering course, or equivalent. Restrictions: Seniors only; engineering majors only. Enrollment limited to 36.

Fall, Spring

EGR 423 Engineering Capstone Immersion (1 Credit)

This course is intended for students currently enrolled in Design Clinic (EGR 422D) to augment the two-semester capstone design experience with immersive work over interterm. Activities students are likely to pursue during interterm as part of this course include learning new software specifically for their projects, traveling to project sites or sponsor offices, conducting experiments or prototyping. Work may be concentrated in the case of a week-long site visit or more spread out when doing experimentation or prototyping. S/U only. Corequisite: EGR 422D. Instructor permission required.


EGR 430D Honors Project (4 Credits)

Independent work in any area of engineering with a faculty member for a total of 8 credits. This pathway is separate from the capstone design experience required for the B.S. degree. Restrictions: Seniors only; engineering majors only. Department permission required.

Fall, Spring

EGR 431D Honors Capstone Design with Faculty (4 Credits)

Honors version of EGR 421D. Corequisite: EGR 410D. Restrictions: Engineering majors only. Department permission required.

Fall, Spring

Additional Programmatic Information

The intention of the engineering curriculum is to build fundamental knowledge throughout the course of study and to give each student flexibility in course choices.


EGR 100 and Senior Capstone

EGR 100 and the Senior Capstone are required, design-based courses with significant hands-on learning components.These courses anchor the study of design within the curriculum at the beginner level (EGR 100) and the advanced level (capstone); additional design is found within other courses as well.

EGR 100 and the senior capstone are also based on exploration and independent inquiry and as such are considered a part of the laboratory/studio sequence.

Core Engineering Fundamentals

Core courses required for all students

The foundational engineering core courses for the degree must be taken by all students and include: 110 Fundamental Engineering Principles; 220 Engineering Circuit Theory; 270 Engineering Mechanics; 290 Engineering Thermodynamics; and 374 Fluid Mechanics.

Technical Depth

Five upper-level engineering electives

The process here is to have each student thoughtfully consider her interests and career aspirations.

Students are required to demonstrate reasonable technical depth by developing a sequence of five thematically related engineering technical depth courses, four of which must be at the 300 level.

There must be a clear educational intention behind the selection of technical depth courses, and these courses should be selected in consultation with the student’s adviser.

The Picker Engineering Program’s B.S. in engineering science is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET. The assessment and documentation of student outcomes and their corresponding performance indicators are critical components of a thorough ABET accreditation process.

Starting in the spring of 2014, the Picker Engineering Program redesigned its methodology for the collection and assessment of evidence related to ABET criterion 3—student outcomes and their corresponding performance indicators. Specifically, the program moved to a book of evidence, with the goal of making the assessment process more transparent and student centered.

The student outcomes and corresponding performance indicators are mapped to all of our engineering courses.

Course Mapping Outcomes

Starting with the class of 2015, B.S. engineering science majors were issued a notebook referred to as their book of evidence (BoE). The notebook was owned by the Picker Engineering Program and was housed within its administrative space.  In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Picker Engineering moved to an electronic approach for the Book of Evidence requirement.  The new electronic approach relies on established book of evidence principles while transitioning from individual student book of evidence binders to individual student Electronic Book of Evidence (E-BoE) online folders.  Students build their book of evidence by identifying meaningful work they have done that meets the individual performance indicators developed by the engineering faculty to assess the program’s ABET student outcomes. Completing a book of evidence with a minimum of 17 approved artifacts (one for each performance indicator) is a requirement for the B.S. in engineering science major. Some details include:
  • Evidence for the BoE should come primarily from junior and senior year.
  • Much or all of the evidence will likely come through engineering courses, but evidence accrued through non-PEP courses, study abroad/away courses, and summer internship or research experiences may be considered.
  • The required artifacts must be graded work. B.S. students are welcome to submit additional artifacts. 
  • A performance vector classification is integrated into the evaluation of e-BoE artifacts. Performance vector information will enhance the assessment of e-BoEs and support evaluation of the extent to which student outcomes are being attained. An artifact from another Smith department must have the grade on it and will be evaluated by the Picker Engineering Assessment and Standards Subcommittee. An artifact from an internship or similar experience must come with a signature from the supervisor and will subsequently be evaluated by an engineering faculty member serving on the Assessment and Standards Subcommittee. An artifact from a study abroad/away course is required to have a grade from the abroad/away faculty on it and will be evaluated by the academic advisor who approved the course.
  • Progress on a B.S. major’s e-BoE is connected to EGR 410D. May graduates are required to have a minimum of 14 faculty-signed artifacts uploaded to their e-BoE by the last day of finals for the fall semester and are required to have a minimum of 17 faculty-signed artifacts uploaded to their e-BoE by the last day of classes in the spring semester.  January graduates, graduating in 2026 or later, taking EGR 410D are required to have a minimum of 14 faculty-signed artifacts in their book of evidence by the last day of finals in the spring semester they are taking EGR 410D and are required to have a minimum of 17 faculty-signed artifacts in their book of evidence by the last day of classes of their last semester.
  • Engineering majors are encouraged to begin work on their E-BoE no later than their third year.
  • Detailed guidance on how to submit artifacts is included in the E-BoE Resources subfolder found within each declared engineering major’s E-BoE Google folder and is also posted on the program’s Moodle site.
The Book of Evidence is a graduation requirement for Bachelors of Science in Engineering Science major demonstrating students have met the educational outcomes associated with the accredited major in Picker Engineering Program (PEP)

Students with questions about the process may contact Martin Green, Assistant Director of the Picker Engineering Program.

The plan of study identifies the course work needed to complete the major and allows each student to document a path toward completing the major.

Students review, update and discuss their plan of study with their adviser each semester.

See the Forms heading under "About the Program" for all plan of study forms.

The Picker Engineering Program’s bachelor of science in engineering science is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,

The Picker Engineering Program educational objectives and program outcomes have been developed with input from the faculty and advisory boards and are consistent with ABET Criterion 2 and 3. Its assessment processes have been established to ensure that our graduates achieve the program objectives and outcomes and to develop and improve the engineering science program.

Program Educational Objectives

Within a few years of graduation, we expect Smith engineering science graduates will: 

  1. incorporate their knowledge and understanding of the natural sciences, humanities and social sciences in the application of their engineering education
  2. apply their engineering education in service to humanity
  3. enter the engineering profession or graduate school if they choose one of those pathways
  4. consider the impact of their professional actions on society
  5. demonstrate leadership in their personal and professional endeavors
  6. have advanced their professional development by acquiring new skills and knowledge

Student Outcomes

According to the defined outcomes and performance criterion, graduates of the program will have demonstrated the following attributes:

  1. an ability to identify, formulate and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science and mathematics
  2. an ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental and economic factors
  3. an ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences
  4. an ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental and societal contexts
  5. an ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks and meet objectives
  6. an ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions
  7. an ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies

Annual Student Enrollment and Graduation Data

Academic Year Sophomores Juniors Seniors Graduates
2003–04   27 20 19
2004–05   32 26 27
2005–06   27 33 33
2006–07   15 25 25
2007–08   20 14 13
2008–09   21 20 20
2009–10   13 22 22
2010–11   18 13 13
2011–12   30 18 18
2012–13   30 30 30
2013–14   22 30 29
2014–15   34 16 16
2015–16   33 29 29
2016–17   41 30 30
2017–18 47 38 38 38
2018–19 50 39 35 33
2019–20 39 48 38 35
2020–21 32 37 36 36
2021–22 46 24 36 34
2022–23 34 42 24 27
2023–24 32 28 41  

Smith Students declare their majors no later than the registration period during the second semester of the sophomore year.

All S.B. in engineering science students are encouraged to take the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam during their senior year.

The FE is a standardized exam and is the first step you must take if you wish to gain professional licensure in engineering. The deadline to register will be announced to seniors each year.

About the Program

The Picker Engineering Program’s bachelor of science in engineering science (S.B.) is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, The bachelor of science is offered for those who intend to practice professionally as engineers. The minor in engineering is for the student who desires meaningful engagement with engineering to complement academic studies in other areas of the liberal arts. 

Upon entering Smith, every student who has indicated a potential interest in engineering is encouraged to stop by the engineering office (Ford Hall 155) and get connected to the program.  In addition to a student's liberal arts advisor, the Director and Assistant Director of the Picker Engineering Program can provide guidance.  Additional resources for first-year students can be found here.

Advisers for all declared engineering majors are members of the engineering faculty.

Advising Expectations

Students are expected to meet with their adviser at least once a semester to discuss academic interests and to seek help in planning courses and registering for classes.

Students who wish to apply prematriculation credit toward their degree are required to follow the college guidelines found on the registrar’s website. These guidelines include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • only 16 prematriculation credits may be applied toward a Smith degree; and
  • no more than 32 credits of combined summer, interterm, Advanced Placement or other prematriculation credits may be used.

It is the student’s responsibility to ensure through the registrar’s office that all approved credits appear on their transcript.

Prematriculation Credit

Advanced Placement Exam (Score of 4 or 5) EGR Requirement Satisfied
Biology Additional Lab Science
Calculus AB MTH 111
Calculus BC MTH 111 & 112
Chemistry CHM 111
Physics 1 or 2 None
Physics C: Mechanics PHY 117
Physics C: E&M PHY 118
Statistics None
International Baccalaureate Higher Level Exam (Score of 5, 6 or 7) EGR Requirement Satisfied
Biology Additional Lab Science
Chemistry CHM 111
Mathematics MTH 111 & 112
International Cambridge A Level Exam (Score of A or B) EGR Requirement Satisfied
Biology Additional Lab Science
Chemistry CHM 111
Mathematics MTH 111 & 112

Transfer Credits

Students who take courses at other institutions for summer school, junior year away or Five College study must obtain written approval from the engineering program prior to taking them. Engineering students should consult their academic adviser and the Study Away Guide for additional guidance. Students should seek approval using one of the departmental forms found below.

Core Courses

To obtain approval for a core course complete the Departmental Supplement for Petition to Transfer Credit (PDF).

Technical Electives

To obtain approval for a technical elective complete the Departmental Supplement for Non-Standard Technical Elective (PDF).

Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) Grading Option

Within the 128 credits required by Smith College, a maximum of 16 credits (Smith College or other Five College) may be taken S/U. A student is permitted to take engineering major requirements S/U but should only do so after careful consultation with her academic adviser.

Students who decide to major in engineering need to submit two forms:

  1. The departmental advising form, located in our Forms section, is submitted to the engineering administrative office in order to assign the student an adviser.
  2. The declaration of the major is submitted to the Class Deans Office.

When to Declare

Students considering an engineering major are asked to declare their major by spring recess of their first year. It is essential that students considering engineering have completed PHY 117 and MTH 112 before the start of the fall semester of their sophomore year.

Honors Pathways

There are three distinct pathways to honors within engineering:

  • EGR 430D: Independent work in any area of engineering with a faculty member for a total of 8 credits. This pathway is separate from the capstone design experience required for the B.S. degree.
  • EGR 431D: Independent work in engineering design with a faculty member for a total of 8 credits. This pathway counts toward the capstone design experience required for the B.S. degree and must be taken concurrently with EGR 410D (2 additional credits).

Students who wish to pursue honors within engineering are required to follow the college guidelines found on the Class Deans website.

Engineering Program Honors Guidelines

To be eligible to apply to participate in the honors program in engineering, students must have a 3.5 average for all engineering, math, science and computer science courses through the junior year and a 3.0 average for courses outside those listed above through the junior year. In addition, applicants must document how they have demonstrated their ability to work independently. A student applying to the Smith College Departmental Honors Program must have approval of the major department or program before the application can be forwarded to the Subcommittee on Honors and Independent Programs.

Applicants for EGR 430D Honors Project or EGR 431D Honors Capstone with Faculty must complete the honors application paperwork including a thesis proposal, obtain a signature from the faculty adviser and submit the signed package to the departmental director of honors by 5 p.m. Wednesday of the first full week of classes of the fall semester. The engineering faculty will vote on all honors applications; approved applications will be forwarded to the college’s Subcommittee on Honors and Independent Programs for final approval.

In engineering, the overall honors evaluation is based upon the following three criteria at the given percentages:

  • 20% grades
  • 60% written thesis
  • 20% oral presentation
Apply for Honors

Students who wish to apply to enter the Departmental Honors Program must follow the guidelines and submit the application for departmental honors. More information is available on the Class Deans website.

Registration to engineering classes will automatically be blocked if all prerequisites or core requirements have not been satisfied at the time of registration.

To lift that block, you must petition both the engineering program (see our Forms section) and the registrar (see Waiver of Restrictions).

Departmental forms are often required when pursuing course work that deviates from the approved engineering curriculum. 

The plan of study identifies the coursework needed to complete the major/minor and allows each student to document a path toward completing the major/minor. Students review, update and discuss their plan of study with their adviser each semester.

Bachelor of Science in Engineering Plan of Study 
Minor in Engineering Plan of Study.pdf

Capstone Design Intent Form

Capstone Design Intent Form


Declaring a major/minor and getting an advisor 
First-Year Advising Resources 
Petition to take EGR 270 and EGR 220 outside of sophomore year

Request for Extra Time

Request for Extra Time to Complete the Engineering Major

Study Away

Study Abroad Planning 

Special Studies

Students who wish to register for Special Studies (EGR 400) are required to complete the college’s Special Studies/Advanced Studies Registration Supplement form that is available on the registrar website. If a student plans to use the Special Studies (EGR 400) as a technical-depth course then the student is also required to complete the Petition for Technical Depth courses (see below). For more information, see the Special Studies tab.

Course Approvals

Petition to replace a required course with a non-Smith course 
Petition to replace a required course with a Smith course 
Petition for Technical Depth courses 
Waiver of Prerequisities Form

For additional information on transfer credits, please see the Credit Guidelines on The Academic Program page.

Study abroad is an exciting opportunity, and many engineering majors find programs abroad offering engineering core courses and technical electives.

Because of the required course load for the engineering major, and the time required to become proficient in a second language, most engineering students select to study either in an English-speaking country, or a country for which they already speak the local language.

For more information about the study abroad application process, see our Forms section.

Credit Approval

Core Courses

To receive credit for core courses, seek approval using the Departmental Supplement for Petition to Transfer Credit form, located above in Forms.

Technical Electives

To receive credit for core courses and for electives, seek additional approval using the Departmental Supplement for Technical Elective form, located above in Forms.

More Information

Study Abroad Lunch Meeting for Sophomores

Early each fall semester, a lunch meeting is held for all sophomores interested in applying for a semester or year abroad. Representatives from the Office of International Study and the engineering department will be there to answer your questions.

The Picker Engineering Program engages students in the knowledge and tools of engineering and prepares graduates to be critical thinkers and resilient learners. We foster an inclusive community that welcomes diverse perspectives. Have a question? Contact The following are some of the most frequently asked questions about the program.

What engineering degrees does Smith offer?

Smith College offers an accredited bachelor of science degree in engineering science (S.B.). The degree is offered for students who are thinking they would like to practice professionally as engineers. The S.B. is an ABET-accredited degree rooted in the fundamental engineering principles that govern all engineering disciplines. After completing a foundational set of core courses, students choose from a variety of electives to pursue an area of technical interest. An integrated curriculum of liberal arts, science, math and engineering courses provides the breadth and depth needed to think critically, act reflectively and make informed decisions.

Can I specialize in one area of engineering?

The challenges of the 21st century require broadly educated engineers capable of working collaboratively and adaptively across disciplinary boundaries. To meet this need, Smith S.B. degree in engineering science provides a strong foundation in the fundamentals of all engineering disciplines. In pursuit of the S.B, students complete five upper-level technical depth courses. These courses, taken at Smith, the College of Engineering at the University of Massachusetts Amherst or elsewhere, enable students to pursue an area of topical or disciplinary interest, such as electrical engineering or sustainable energy. These technical-depth courses are selected in close consultation with the student’s faculty adviser.

What courses should a first-year student consider if they are interested in engineering?

Please refer to our document of specific advice for first-year students.

What AP, IB, A-level exams does the program count towards its requirements?

Please see page 2 of the First Year Advising Resources. If a particular exam is not listed, then it does not count towards the requirements for engineering.

Can I pursue a second major as an engineering student?

In addition to 13 engineering courses, the S.B. degree requires nine courses in the natural sciences, mathematics and computer science. As a result of this curriculum, and our commitment to a liberal education, it’s difficult to pursue a second major in math, computer science or a natural science. Pursuing a second major in a humanities or social science discipline is challenging but doable. For a deep interest in computer science, mathematics or natural science, a student could consider pursuing a minor in one of those areas.

What do S.B. graduates do after Smith?

Smith graduates have a range of choices. Picker Engineering Program graduates can be found across the globe, working in places such as Lockheed Martin, Tesla Motors, AIR Worldwide, Exxon Mobil, Boeing and the Department of Labor. The majority of graduates eventually pursue a graduate degree at places such as Berkeley, Brown, Cornell, Harvard, Dartmouth, Johns Hopkins and Princeton. The S.B. degree is also considered the first step toward becoming a licensed professional engineer. Undergraduates enrolled in ABET-accredited programs are eligible to sit for the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam, which is the first step in the process. More information about the FE and professional licensure is available at NCEES.

What opportunities are there to study away?

Study abroad is an exciting opportunity, and many engineering majors find programs abroad that offer engineering courses. Because of the required course load, and the time required to become proficient in a second language, most students pursuing the S.B. study either in an English-speaking country or a country for which they already speak the local language.

What is the Princeton Exchange?

Smith College and Princeton University established an engineering exchange program to expose junior year students from both schools to different learning environments. The Princeton Exchange requires an application, due in January of a student’s sophomore year, and accommodates up to two students per year.

What opportunities are there for internships in industry, government or nonprofit organizations?

The Lazarus Center for Career Development connects students with many paid internships and career opportunities. Additionally, Smith’s Praxis program funds students to work at substantive, unpaid summer internships related to their academic or career interest.

In their senior year, S.B. engineering students work in teams on projects sponsored by industry or government through our yearlong Design Clinic. Many of the companies that sponsor design clinic projects also seek students for internships and jobs after Smith.

What opportunities exist for research with faculty?

Individual faculty members often involve students in their research. Students should inquire directly with faculty whose work interests them. Smith’s Summer Research Fellows Program (SURF) provides funding for students to pursue independent research in collaboration with a faculty adviser for 10 weeks during the summer. Two programs, STRIDE and AEMES, provide opportunities for first- and second-year students to work with faculty on research projects. Students are also encouraged to seek out NSF-sponsored REU programs (Research Opportunities for Undergraduates) at other colleges and universities throughout the country.


Glenn Ellis


Professor of Engineering and Director of the Picker Engineering Program

Glenn Ellis

Susannah Howe


Director of the Design Clinic and Senior Lecturer in Engineering

Borjana Mikic


Rosemary Bradford Hewlett 1940 Professor of Engineering

Borjana Mikic

Paul Voss


Associate Professor of Engineering

Placeholder Image

Engineering Staff

R. Koh 
Laboratory Supervisor

Martin J. Green 
Assistant Director

Program Assistant

Engineering Alum Council

Reja Amatya ’05
Waya Energy
Cambridge, MA
Term ends June 2030

Leah Flake ’11
Data Scientist
Washington, DC
Term ends June 2030

Farrell Helbling ’12
Assistant Professor, ECE
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY
Term ends June 2030

Shaneil Lafayette ’18 
Product Manager 
Washingtonc DC 
Term ends June 2027

Vilma Goodman Reyes ’12 
Lead Engineer 
Dedham, MA 
Term ends June 2027

Meghan Sheehy ’04 
Senior Product Manager in Systems Architecture Division of GE Power 
General Electric 
Longmeadow, MA 
Term ends June 2027

Linda Sorto ’07 
Senior Engineering Manager 
The Boeing Company 
Lake Stevens, WA 
Term ends June 2027

Akosua Taylor ’09
Deputy Chief, Exploration Systems
Orlando, FL
Term ends June 2030

Opportunities & Resources

Picker engineering students are creative and committed to academic rigor, continuous self-discovery, effective communication, critical thinking, socially responsible decision making and global citizenship as engineers of a sustainable future. Smith has established partnerships to facilitate exceptional opportunities, including access to Smith’s alum network as well as avenues for internships, research and employment that expose students to specific fields and let them complement their academic studies with practical experiences.

Smith College and Boston University’s College of Engineering are pioneering a collaboration that enables Smith College students pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Engineering Science to gain early admission to the Master of Science programs in engineering at Boston University and access enriching research experiences at Boston University as undergraduates. The partnership with Boston University provides early admission and reduced tuition and fees for graduate school.

The College of Engineering has been Drexel University’s flagship school for over 100 years. The College of Engineering is recognized for its excellence in academics and research and its leadership in experiential education.  Our partnership with Drexel University provides a lower tuition cost to Picker Engineering Graduates entering any of Drexel’s College of Engineering M.S. programs and an application process without fees or required GRE scores. 

Download the information sheet for additional details.

Smith College has partnered with Princeton University to establish an exchange program for junior year students that will expose students from both schools to vastly different learning environments and better prepare women to enter and succeed in the field of engineering.

Smith Students

At Princeton, Smith students will be exposed to an engineering community that includes about 750 undergraduates (of about 4,600 total), 500 graduate students and 130 faculty members across six engineering departments: chemical engineering; civil and environmental engineering; computer science; electrical engineering; mechanical and aerospace engineering; and operations research and financial engineering. The course offerings and research facilities and opportunities are extensive.

Princeton Students

At Smith, Princeton students will have an opportunity to live and study in a community where small classes afford extensive opportunities for close contact and collaboration with faculty and peers in a curriculum that stresses integration with the liberal arts, and where 100 percent of the engineering students and over 60 percent of the faculty are women. The Picker Engineering Program has special strengths in biomedical engineering and engineering for sustainability.

Program of Study

Students will exchange in the spring semester of their junior year. The typical load is four courses at both institutions, though a course load of up to five can be accommodated. Students can choose from any of the courses offered at both institutions. Typically, a program of study would comprise two or three technical courses, junior independent work or a junior project course, and no more than one course in the humanities. Students are encouraged to carry out an independent research project during the term. Programs of study will be approved by advisers at Princeton and Smith.

Independent Research Project

A visiting Smith student will be a member of the department that matches best with their primary interests. Smith students who choose to do an independent research project and who earn a semester average of a B+ or better will be invited to continue their independent research project into the summer between their junior and senior years in order to complete a substantial piece of research. The summer component of the visiting student’s research program would be supported by a stipend from the faculty member with whom the research is conducted. All visiting Princeton students will be a part of the Picker Engineering Program and are welcome to contact a faculty member directly if they are interested in pursuing an independent research project. Students may be directed to faculty members at Princeton or Smith to further explore research opportunities.


Prior to applying for admission to the program, students must discuss course and research opportunities with their academic adviser or department representative, the Picker Engineering program assistant at Smith, or Princeton’s associate dean for undergraduate affairs of the School of Engineering and Applied Science. See the Forms page for more information and the application.

Application Deadline

Applications from Smith students must be submitted by February 1 of the year before the intended exchange. If accepted, the Smith student must submit a leave of absence form to the junior class dean by December 1.

Visiting the Campus

A visit to the other campus in the fall term of the junior year will help facilitate exploring potential independent research projects and courses to be taken.

Tuition & Fees

Smith College students accepted for the Smith-Princeton Exchange Program are charged their normal home college tuition and fees. These costs are paid to Smith College. Students on financial aid normally receive their regular assistance while on the exchange program.

Housing and Student Life

Housing is in Princeton University dormitories for juniors and seniors. Room and board charges will be paid directly to Princeton University.


Several dining options exist, including purchase of a Princeton University dining contract, independent self-catering, and a possible membership in an eating club.


Students provide their own transportation to and from Princeton.

Campus Exchange

Members of undergraduate engineering societies and departmental organizations play an active role in welcoming visiting students and involving them in the engineering community and undergraduate life at the exchange college or university.

Princeton Life

With the exception of varsity intercollegiate athletics, which are bound by strict NCAA rules, visiting Smith students are welcome to explore participation in all types of extracurricular activities that interest them.

Smith Life

Northampton is a lively town of 30,000. Residential life at Smith is considered an important part of a student‘s education. Smith is committed to a co-curricular environment that enhances and enriches the academic program: residential living is an integral part of that education.

More Information

Smith Contact

Contact Assistant Director Martin Green, 413-585-7516.

Princeton Contact

Contact Associate Dean for Undergraduate Affairs Peter Bogucki, 609-258-4554.

The relationship between Smith and Dartmouth’s engineering program goes back decades. A partnership between Dartmouth Engineering and the Picker Engineering Program streamlines the application process and provides scholarship support to Smith engineering graduates interested in pursuing a Master of Engineering Management at Dartmouth.  

Download the Information Sheet below for additional details:


Tufts School of Engineering offers undergraduate STEM majors from Smith College an accelerated path to a master’s degree in one of 15 programs of study. The partnership with Tufts University provides a streamlined application process and lower tuition cost.

The College of Engineering at the University of Massachusetts - Amherst offers accelerated MS programs to Smith engineers. Engineering students with a GPA of 3.5 or higher will be automatically admitted, with no application fee and no need for GREs. These programs are currently offered in five fields of study, and details can be found at the 4+1 Accelerated MS Programs page.


The fund shall be used to support initiatives that will foster entrepreneurial spirit among students in the Picker Engineering Program

What is Entrepreneurial Spirit?

Entrepreneurial spirit comes in a variety of forms, but is typically marked by curiosity, creativity, resourcefulness, and resilience. People with entrepreneurial spirit frequently take the initiative to seek out and solve problems to improve the status quo. They are motivated by challenges, and have a willingness to take risks. Their efforts often (but not always) take the form of new business ventures that seek to add value to society. 

Who can apply for funding?

Individuals or teams of students who are engineering majors or minors. Proposals will be reviewed on a rolling basis.

What can this fund support?

  • Direct expenses (supplies, tools, travel, etc.) for an entrepreneurial project
  • Travel to conferences or workshops
  • Summer wages (must have a faculty advisor)

How to apply?

Send a proposal to the program assistant (, who will pass it on to the review committee. Proposals should include

  • Brief description of the activities and expected outcomes
  • Budget
  • Timeline
  • Name and contact information for one reference (faculty or staff; project supervisor, if appropriate)

How are funds dispersed?

Purchases for supplies or equipment are made through a requisition form and direct payment by the program. For other expenses (travel, etc.), the student incurs an expense and works with the program assistant ( to submit receipts and reimbursement forms through Workday. If reimbursement presents a hardship, the student can work with the program assistant on other approaches.

What are the reporting requirements?

  • 1 Powerpoint slide with photos
  • 1-page report of outcomes

The Picker Engineering Program recognizes the value of attending identity-based professional conferences for engineering, such as SWE, NSBE, SHPE, and others. As such, we provide financial support to engineering majors who wish to attend such conferences.

Who can apply for funding?

The engineering program encourages students to work through the student engineering organizations for SWE, NSBE, and SHPE conferences. Conferences must be held in the contiguous United States. Conference funding is for senior engineering majors (those within one year of graduation) who are in good academic standing (not on probation).  A student can receive funding from the Picker Engineering Program only one time after July 1, 2024.  Students listed in the student organization’s application must meet these requirements. Student engineering organizations should give adequate notice to the engineering community regarding upcoming conferences and application timelines. 

What can this fund support?

  • Travel
  • Food and lodging
  • Registration fees
  • Average funding per student matches the UCF, currently a cap of $800 per student         

How to apply?

Send a proposal to the program assistant (, who will pass it on to the review committee. Proposals should include

  • Name of the conference and web link
  • Dates of the conference and dates you plan to attend
  • Names of students 
  • Budget (include supplemental support from other sources if appropriate; if you are not proposing to use the $1000 of funding per person per year that is available though the SGA and Lazarus Center, please explain why)
  • Explanation of how you meet the expectations regarding preparation, economy, and reporting (described below) 


Receipt of funds from the Picker Engineering Program does not remove one’s academic obligations to their courses, and students must work with their faculty to address any missed time.

Over the years, we have found some best practices to get the most out of these conferences. As such, students must meet these expectations to receive funding.

  • Commitment to preparation for the conference, such as preparing a resume or elevator pitch, reviewing companies who will be attending the job fair, working with the Lazarus Center, etc.
  • Commitment to being economical; examples include sharing rooms, seeking low-cost transportation, etc.
  • Sharing elements of the experience upon return; examples include giving a presentation in an engineering forum or other format, making a video about your experience and what you learned, drafting a memo that can be shared with other engineering students, etc.

How are funds dispersed?

The primary form of access to funds is via reimbursement. The student engineering organization’s leadership packages up all the individual reimbursements and submits them as a package to the engineering program assistant. The student organization’s leadership works with the program assistant ( to submit receipts and reimbursement forms through Workday. If reimbursement presents a hardship, the student can work with the program assistant on other approaches.

Design Clinic

Design Clinic is a two-semester course in which students collaborate in teams on actual applied design projects sponsored by real clients in industry and government.

Applied Design at Smith

The Picker Engineering Program

Despite its central importance in society, engineering stands virtually alone as a professional degree with a small and declining participation by women. The Picker Engineering Program addresses this problem by using the resources and expertise of a women’s college to create a positive learning environment for women to study engineering. The program offers a supportive learning community, a flexible curriculum and female role models, exploring societal contexts in problem solving using pedagogies that increase engagement and address problems in engineering education.

Smith’s liberal arts environment enables students to contextualize engineering in the framework of bigger societal questions and to think in different ways as they collaborate on interdisciplinary teams. The program is learner-centered in its curriculum and pedagogy. Students work closely with faculty to design individualized plans of study that address both their learning goals and the technical requirements of the profession. Research-based teaching helps students to develop a deep and integrated understanding of engineering concepts and to work creatively to generate new theories, products and knowledge.

See what students have to say about their experiences.

Contact Picker Engineering Program

Ford Hall
Smith College
Northampton, MA 01063

Phone: 413-585-7000

Program Assistant: TBA