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General Registration Information

Instructors are not required to hold spaces for students who do not attend the first class meeting and may refuse admission to students seeking to add courses who have not attended the first class meeting.

Smith Courses

Workday help materials with screen shots can be found on the Workday Help site.

1. Choose Courses and Review Policies & Guidelines

2. Create a Saved Schedule (April and November)

You are encouraged to create Saved Schedules before your registration window opens which serves as a “shopping cart” for your preferred and alternate courses, and speeds up registration. See the Build Saved Schedules job aid for step by step instructions.

Your saved schedule is NOT registration. You still must register for classes when your registration window opens.

During registration and add/drop you can register for courses without creating a saved schedule. See the Register for Classes job aid for step by step instructions.

3. Meet with Your Adviser

Schedule an appointment with your adviser to discuss your course selections.

  • You will will have a faculty adviser registration hold until you meet with your adviser. All course registrations require approval of the adviser.
  • If your adviser is on sabbatical, check your Support Network in Workday to see if you have been reassigned to another adviser. If you have difficulty connecting with your adviser, contact your department chair (if you have declared your major) or your class dean (if you have not declared your major) to schedule an advising meeting and to have them lift your hold.

4. Check for Holds

Check Workday for holds on your account by clicking the Academics icon on the homepage. You will not be able to register if you have a hold. Holds must be cleared with the office that originated it.

5. Register

You can register from your saved schedule(s) or register for courses one at a time during the registration period. See the Register for Classes job aid for step by step instructions.

It is your responsibility to verify your registration for the coming semester on Workday.

Add/Drop begins on the first day of classes at 8 a.m. and runs through the tenth day of classes. See Dates and Deadlines for specific dates each semester.

  • first–fifth day of classes: courses can be added online
  • sixth–tenth day of classes: courses can be added with the Course Eligibility Waiver

Courses can be dropped online through the entire Add/Drop period.

Each class year is assigned a day on which you may begin to access online course registration through Workday. You can access registration on or after the start date for your class year through the listed registration period. If you do not register by the end of the two-week advising and registration period, you must add your courses during the first two weeks of the semester (add/drop). You can build saved schedules in Workday once courses for the coming semester are published.

Registration for Spring 2025

Registration opens at 7:30 a.m. on each start date.

Dates Classes Eligible to Register
 November 5–15, 2024
  • Class of 2025
  • Class of 2026J
  • Ada Comstock Scholars with 96 or more total credits*
  • All continuing graduate students
November 6–15, 2024
  • Class of 2026
  • Class of 2027J
  • Ada Comstock Scholars with 64–95 total credits*
November 7–15, 2024
  • Class of 2027
  • Class of 2028J
  • Ada Comstock Scholars with 63 or fewer or total credits*
November 8–15, 2024
  • Class of 2028

*Ada Comstock total credits are your completed credits plus current semester registered credits.


Normally only students enrolled at Smith College during both the fall and spring semesters are considered to be eligible to register for interterm courses.

Registration Instructions

Eligible students interested in taking a course during interterm should register on Workday.

1. Choose courses

Review the Course Search to view course offerings for the upcoming Interterm.

2. Discuss course selection with your adviser

Your adviser must approve your schedule every semester, including interterm courses.

3. Get Permission from Instructor

If necessary, you must get permission of the course instructor on a course eligibility waiver.

4. Register

Registration for Interterm opens during November registration and stays open based on the registration deadlines.

Policies & Guidelines


All adds and drops can be processed online through Workday through the posted deadlines.

Interterm Registration Deadlines 2024 (PDF)

Pay close attention to the specific deadlines for adding and dropping courses. Any student who does not attend and remains registered in a course after the deadline to drop will receive an unsatisfactory grade in the course.

Credit Maximum

You may not enroll in more than four credits during any one interterm and may accrue no more than 12 approved interterm credits at Smith or elsewhere toward your Smith degree.

S/U Option

The satisfactory/unsatisfactory (credit/non credit) grading option may be elected in interterm courses with the permission of the instructor and adviser on the change of grading option form. Courses taken S/U will count toward the 16-credit maximum permitted for the degree.

Transfer Credit

Interterm/winter courses taken at other institutions will be considered fro pre-approval when courses do not overlap with the Fall or Spring semesters at Smith. The number of credits accepted for each course (normally up to 3) will be determined by the registrar upon review of the transcript. Any course designated 4 credits by a host institution must be reviewed by the class deans and the registrar to determine whether it merits an exception to the 3-credit limit. Courses must be approved by the registrar's office for transfer to the Smith degree.

Access to Online Course Material/Moodle

Moodle accounts are automatically generated for registered students.

To log into Moodle:

  1. Go to
  2. Click login and choose your home institution logo
  3. Sign in using your home school credentials

If you experience technical issues, contact ITS at 413-585-4487 or


Five College Policies & Guidelines

Attending First Class

If you are unable to attend the first class meeting and wish to be considered for a space in a course, contact the instructor directly prior to the start of classes.

Special Studies

Interchange students enrolling in a special studies at Smith College must complete the special studies form.


There are no waitlists for Five College students. Students interested in pursuing admission into full courses must attend the first class meeting and obtain the permission of the instructor and submit their request to their home institution.

Smith College Honor Code

All students enrolled in Smith courses are required to abide by the Smith Honor Code.

Final Examinations

Final examinations at Smith College are primarily self-scheduled and administered during a scheduled exam period at the end of the semester.

Students are not permitted to complete examinations early and are not permitted to make special arrangements with faculty to complete exams outside the examination period. Students are permitted to stay in their campus housing even if their campus closes before the Smith exams.

For more information, see Examinations.


Only a Smith College class dean may authorize an extension for any reason beyond the end of the final examination period. Individual instructors may only grant extensions on work due during the semester through the last day of final exams.

Any Five College student who, for reasons of illness, emergency, or extenuating personal circumstances, cannot complete their work by the end of the semester must request an extension through the Smith College Class Deans' Office.


Interchange students can elect the Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) option by completing the Change of Grading Option form found on the forms page and submit it by the posted deadline.

A grade of C- or higher is required to earn an S (satisfactory).

College Closings

Smith classes are rarely canceled due to inclement weather. Students should consult the Smith College Information Line, at 413-585-4636 after 7 a.m. for current information on delayed college openings, early closings or other events.

There are special holidays or events for which some or all classes are canceled. View the Smith College academic calendar.

Five College Courses

Only students in good academic standing may enroll in a Five College course. Students may not register for more than eight credits at any one institution.

Traditional Students

Traditional students must be enrolled in a minimum of eight credits at Smith in any semester.

First-Year Students

First-semester first-year students must obtain the permission of the class dean before enrolling in a Five College course. Second-semester first-year students may take one course within the Five College system provided the student obtained a GPA of 3.0 or better in their first term at Smith. Requests made during early registration (November) will not be processed until add/drop (January). First-years may take two Five College courses with permission from the class dean. 

Ada Comstock Scholars

At least half of their total course load (credits) must be Smith courses.

1. Review Smith Guidelines for Five College Registration.

2. Review specific policies for Smith students taking courses elsewhere. 

It is your responsibility to be familiar with the pertinent regulations of the host institution, including those for attendance, academic honesty, grading options, and deadlines for completing coursework and taking examinations. Smith students follow registration deadlines for Smith College except for change of grading option (P/F) as noted below.

3. Search for a course. 

Consult the Five College course guides to find a course at one of the other colleges. Be aware that some courses may not be open to Five College students, and not all Five College courses are approved for credit toward the Smith degree.

4. Attain approval of Five College Courses. 

Courses will be reviewed by the registrar at the time the course request is submitted. We encourage requesting prior approval by submitting a course description or syllabus to the registrar's office for review. Normally only those courses falling within the scope of Smith's liberal arts curriculum will be approved.

Courses offered through UMass University Without Walls (UWW) are not part of the Five College Interchange.

5. Discuss course selection with your adviser 

Your adviser must approve your schedule every semester, including Five College courses.

6. Submit Request through Workday 

Submit your request using the "Request Five College Course" link on the Academics dashboard in Workday. 

Step by step instructions are available on the Workday Help Site.

Early Registration (November/April)

Courses with prerequisites and/or restrictions require instructor permission. Note that the Five Colleges do not have access to student transcripts so prerequisites can only be waived with instructor permission. Instructor permission does not override enrollment limit during early registration.

Add/Drop (September/January)

All Five College Course requests not completed during or submitted after early registration require instructor permission. All new requests made during/add drop also require instructor permission. Permission should be submitted as a forwarded email to from the instructor's school email address. Instructor permission must be dated no earlier than two weeks prior to the start of the semester.
*Note for UMass courses - instructor permission does not guarantee a seat in the course.

Please note: The submission of a Five College request requires the exchange of personal information with the other campus, including the student's social security number. All information is released to the host registrar only and is kept confidential as required by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

The registration process can take several days (up to a week), depending on registration procedures at the host school, so please be patient. You can check the status of your registration request on your student dashboard in Workday. Registrations cannot be expedited for Moodle access. It is the student's responsibility to obtain coursework from the instructor until registration is complete and Moodle access is granted at the host institution.

Approved Requests

If both the Smith Registrar and the host school accept your request, the course will be added to your registration and you will see the updated status of your request as “Registered” on your student dashboard in Workday.

Denied Requests

If you are not accepted into the course you will see the updated status of “Denied” with the denial reason on your student dashboard in Workday. Please email with any questions.

Canceling Requests

To cancel your Five College request, contact the Smith Registrar's Office,

Dropping Five College Courses

Once registered, you may drop a Five College course from your registration in Workday by the end of the Add/Drop period.

The Five College Interchange does not apply to Interterm courses. If you plan on taking courses in Interterm on one of the other campuses, you must have your courses approved by the registrar's office for transfer to your Smith degree and you must register at that campus and pay their course fees/tuition. Be aware that you may not enroll in interterm/winter session courses that overlap with the start and end of the regular Smith semesters.

Course Credits

Course credit is earned according to the value awarded by the host institution.

Courses at the University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) will be awarded the credit value assigned by that institution. For example, a UMass course bearing 3.00 credits will be recorded on the Smith transcript at 3.00 credits.

Students registering for courses that are fewer than 4.00 credits should bear in mind that they may need to take additional credits resulting from this potential shortage. Traditional students must be enrolled in a minimum of 12 credits each semester and must average 16 credits per semester to graduate on time.


Grading Option

Smith will record the grade submitted by the host institution.

Amherst, Hampshire, and Mount Holyoke

You must declare the S/U or P/F (pass/fail) option at the host campus, following that college's procedures and deadlines; the Smith deadline applies to Smith courses only.


You must send an email with adviser approval to by the Smith S/U deadline.


Five College Calendar

Five College Academic Calendar

Openings and closings of semesters on the five campuses vary, particularly in the spring semester and may overlap with Smith interterm. Students should make their academic and travel plans accordingly. All students must complete examinations according to the schedule of the host campus.

Five College Bus Service: For more information, students should consult the Five College website.


UMass Lab Fees

For UMass courses with lab fees, UMass will bill students directly. Most labs have an associated $95 lab fee.


Language Study

Depending on the credit policies of the comparable Smith department, some introductory language courses require completion of a full year (normally two semesters) before credit is granted.

Students interested in the Five College Supervised Independent Language Program (FCSILP) must obtain permission and should consult their website for more instructions. Credit for level I courses is not awarded until completion of levels II or higher. Foreign language Latin Honors distribution is not awarded until completion of level IV or higher.


Independent Studies

A request for independent/special studies must be made on Workday.  A Smith special studies form (signed by the instructor at the host school) is required and must be submitted with the interchange registration form. Students may be required to fill out forms at the host campus as well.


Graduating Seniors & Graduate Students

Graduating seniors and graduate students taking Five College courses in the spring semester should make special note of the examination schedule at other campuses. Students should be advised that there is no obligation on the part of the faculty at other colleges to make alternative arrangements or to give exams early or submit final grades before the stated deadline.

Graduating students are permitted to participate as normal in all commencement ceremonies but will not receive their diplomas until all grades have been recorded.

Seniors who are eligible for Latin honors: Your GPA will be recalculated once the record is complete. If awarded, the notation will be added to the diploma but may not be included in commencement program because of publication deadlines.



A Five College incomplete (grade of "I") is equivalent to a failing grade and is calculated as such until a final grade is submitted. An incomplete grade at some institutions will be converted to a failing grade on the student's official record if course work is not completed by the end of the following semester.


Five College Meal Exchange

For information and to request the Five College Meal Exchange please visit the dining services website.
Five College Dining

In support of Five College academic opportunities, a dining meal exchange is available for students enrolled in a meal plan at their home institution. Requests for participation in the meal exchange will be granted for academic reasons only. Other meal exchange requests, for which there is a compelling reason, will be reviewed on an individual basis.


Course Program

The normal course program (course load) for traditional-aged undergraduates consists of 16 credits taken in each of eight semesters at Smith. Only with the approval of the academic board may a student complete her degree requirements in fewer or more than eight semesters. The minimum course load for a traditional-aged undergraduate in any semester is 12 credits. Students may not use their free drop if it results in dropping below the minimum 12-credit program. A traditional-aged student who is enrolled in fewer than 12 credits in any semester will be administratively withdrawn by the Academic Board at the end of that semester. In such cases, the student must remain away from the college for at least one semester and may then apply to return to Smith. Seniors are expected to enroll in the minimum 12-credit program whether or not the credits are needed for graduation.

Approved summer session or interterm credit may be used to supplement a minimum 12-credit load or to make up a shortage of credits. Please see “Transfer Credit Limits” and related sections below for detailed information regarding transfer credit policies and maximums.

Ada Comstock Scholars can enroll in a minimum of 8 credits each semester but must be enrolled in 12 credits if they are in campus housing.

Enrollment in Five College courses: Traditional students are required to take at least half their credits (8 credits) on campus; Adas are required to take half of their total credits on Smith campus. Traditional students enrolled in a reduced course program are still required to take at least 8 credits on campus.A student may carry no more than 24 credits per semester, unless approved by the Academic Board. A student studying on a Smith Program Abroad (Florence, Geneva, Hamburg, or Paris) may earn no more than 40 credits for the academic year.

Registration changes cannot be made by the student or registrar if there are outstanding financial or health holds. Students should contact the office that has placed the hold to resolve it before attempting to register or make registration changes.

During early registration (April and November), students may register for up to 19 credits. Additional credits, up to a maximum of 24, may be added during the add/drop period at the beginning of the semester. Students are encouraged to register for only those classes that they fully intend to complete.

Students may not register for classes that conflict with other classes on their schedule. Sixteen (16) credits is considered the maximum load for students on academic probation, unless approved by the class dean and academic adviser.

Students may add courses online for the first five days of classes only. In the second week of classes, a student must obtain the instructor's permission via a course eligibility waiver to add, even if there are open seats in the class. Students may continue to drop courses online through the full two-week add/drop period. Students may add or drop a course through the third week of classes, with approval of the instructor, as well as their faculty adviser and class dean with an add form.

Courses that require the instructor’s permission are indicated as being “Permission Required/Registration by Waitlist.” Students wishing to add a permission required course during registration (April and November) should add themselves to the waitlist for the course if they meet the eligibility criteria. If approved for registration, the instructor will notify the registrar's office to have approved students registered. Instructors are not required to hold spaces for students who do not attend the first class meeting.

During Add/Drop all courses that require the instructor's permission are indicated as being "Permission/Waiver Required." Students wishing to add a permission required course during Add/Drop (September and January) can add themselves to the waitlist but they must initiate a Course Eligibility Waiver to obtain instructor approval.

A student who has not completed the prerequisite for a course may register with the permission of the instructor. If admitted, students must submit a Course Eligibility Waiver Form to the registrar’s office by the end of add/drop.

The registrar’s office does not enforce online checking of all course prerequisites. Students are informed that they may enroll in courses without the stated prerequisites only by permission of the instructor. Instructors should verify at the first class meeting that students have met the stated prerequisites.

Students who are away from campus for off-campus study or personal leave are permitted to register during the November and April registration periods for the semester in which they plan to return. Students will have advising holds and will need to have them lifted by their adviser before being able to register.

Consultation with the adviser upon return to campus to review course selections is suggested. It is the responsibility of both the student and adviser to plan a course program that will lead to successful completion of all degree requirements.

Information on registration for students on leave will be sent prior to the November and April registration periods.

Open by permission to juniors, seniors and graduate students only. First years and sophomores may not enroll except by permission of the academic board. Registration for seminars requires the permission of the instructor. See permission courses section above.

A special studies is a course you design with a member of the Smith or Five College faculty* and is open by instructor permission.

*Five College special studies also require submission of a Five College request in Workday.

Registration requires the approval of the instructor. Submit an approved Special/Advanced Studies form to the registrar's office by the end of the fifth day of classes.


A special studies form must be completed and submitted to the registrar's office by the fifth day of classes. Exact dates can be found here.

Credit Rules

Each department has different options for the number of credits available for a special studies. Credits should be determined in consultation with the instructor based on work to be completed. The number of credits in a special studies cannot be changed once it has begun. You may earn up to 16 special studies credits during your time at Smith.

Grading Options

You may use the Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) option for a special studies if the instructor approves. The S/U option must be declared with the change of grading option form before the S/U deadline.

If a course is closed or all available unreserved seats (for which the student qualifies) are filled, a student may add their name to the waitlist. Waitlists are used by instructors to fill open spaces at the start of the semester; students are not automatically registered as spaces become available.

During the add/drop period at the start of the semester, instructors will admit students according to their selected criteria. Students approved by the instructor to register for the course or to be admitted from the waitlist must initiate a Course Eligibility Waiver by the end of the add/drop period. After the Course Eligibility Waiver is approved by the instructor the registrar’s office is notified and will complete the registration.

Students planning to enroll in a course in which they are not currently registered, including waitlisted students, must attend the first class meeting; otherwise they will not be guaranteed a place in the course.

Instructors can view their waitlists on the Workday Course Section Roster. Waitlists are not final until entering students have completed registration just before the semester begins. Waitlists are for the information of the instructor. The instructor will determine what criteria are appropriate for selecting students for the course. Instructors who wish to deny enrollment should not approve the Course Eligibility Waiver. Instructors wishing to drop students for failure to attend should contact the registrar’s office.

The Course Eligibility Waiver form is used during November and April registration and during Add/Drop for the following reasons:

  1. To be enrolled in a course from the waitlist (Add/Drop)
  2. To be enrolled in a course that requires permission (Add/Drop)
  3. To be enrolled in a course for which the student does not meet the Course Eligibility (enforced prerequisites and/or major restrictions).
    • Class year restrictions for special studies and seminars must be reviewed by petition to the academic board

The Course Eligibility form is available on the forms page


Course auditing is open to members of the local community on a space-available basis with permission of the instructor and the registrar. Auditors may register during the first two weeks of classes only, and attendance must be in person.

Permission to audit authorizes class observation only. Auditors wishing to participate more fully (e.g., class discussions, group activities, etc.) should receive instructor approval prior to registration. Instructors are not required to review or grade any work completed by auditors. Arrangements to take final self-scheduled exams should be made directly with the instructor; the registrar’s office does not prepare final examinations for auditors. The costs of all materials and textbooks are the responsibility of the auditor. No grades or credit will be awarded for audited courses, and official records of audits are not maintained.

Auditors are responsible for knowing and abiding by all policies and procedures outlined in the Smith College Catalog and the Student Handbook. Failure to comply with auditing guidelines and college policies may result in removal from the class at the request of the instructor and/or limit future auditing privileges.

A degree student at Smith or at the Five Colleges may audit a course if space is available and with the verbal permission of the instructor. An audit is not recorded on the transcript and does not require registration.

  1. Search for courses on the course schedule search. Please note that Studio Art (ARS) courses may not be audited.
  2. Contact the instructor to see if you may attend the first class meeting. If permitted to join the class, ask the instructor to sign the auditor form. Attendance must be in person.
  3. Return the completed auditor form to the registrar’s office with payment (cash or check payable to Smith College) within the first two weeks of classes. Course audit registrations are not permitted after the second week of classes. (Note: Requests submitted prior to the beginning of the semester will be held until classes begin and seat availability is known.)

  • Standard course: $50 per course, per semester
  • Beginning languages, performance (i.e. DAN & ESS), computer science: $200 per course, per semester

For Smith Employees

Eligible employees and their spouses who are not degree candidates may enroll in courses provided there is space available and the instructor gives approval. Employees are subject to the same academic rules and regulations as Smith students, including deadlines for papers and examinations, grading system, and academic honor system.

  1. Apply with Human Resources through Workday
    Apply to the Office of Human Resources in advance of the start of the semester following the directions in the Smith Courses Tuition Benefit Request Instructions.
  2. Confirm registration
    The registrar’s office will receive approved applications from HR and will email instructions on registering the week before classes begin. If the course involves a separate lab or discussion, registration for both sections is required.


    If you wish to audit a course only see the information below. There is no fee for employees or spouses/dependents of employees.

You must officially drop a course by notifying the Registrar’s and Human Resources offices by the drop deadline.

Any employee or spouse who does not complete a course for which they are registered and does not follow the official procedures for withdrawing will receive a failing grade.

If you are employed in a position of half time or more, you are eligible to receive tuition assistance for Smith courses. Additionally, tuition assistance is available to the spouses of eligible employees.

Learn more in the Employee Handbook.