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Climate Justice Symposium panels and workshop

Saturday, September 21, 2024 9:30 a.m.-6 p.m.

Seelye Hall 106
Open to the Public

9:15-10:45 AM - Session D: Climate Justice in the Global South (Chair: Javier Puente) 

  • Ashwin Ravikumar and Sara Zhu, Amherst College. To Protect Tropical Forests, the Global North Must Pay Climate Debt: Empirical Evidence from the Peruvian Amazon.
  • Parisa Rinaldi, St. Mary’s College of Maryland. Action-research and climate justice: collaborative endeavors with fishing communities in two Colombian port-cities.
  • Zahra Golshani, Marzie Shakiba, Avaye Mehre-Hamoon, Cornell University. Resilience in Adversity: Navigating Women’s Potentials and Struggles Amid Environmental Crisis in the South of Iran.
  • Kwabena Antwi, Clark University. (Intra)gendered adoption of natural climate solutions in agriculture to address climatic and non-climatic risks.

1:45-3:15 PM - Session G: Voices for Climate Justice from Around the World (Chairs: Sabine von Mering, Camille Washington-Ottombre)

  • Ariana Karamallis, Build Change.
  • Clara Fang, Green Tara Consulting.
  • Luisa Neubauer, Fridays for Future Germany.
  • Alexa Barriga, SISTA Fire RI.
  • Zora Steedley, OneWorld Sustainable Investments.
  • Storm Lewis, Storm Indigo L. Consulting LLC.

4:30-6:30 PM - Workshop 4: Inspiring & Activating Audiences through “Ecodrama”

Description: Join this workshop to witness a theatrical excerpt, a call to action through innovative performance, and then participate in an engaged discussion with the ensemble and Washington D.C.-based foreign policy/climate change speaker, activist, and writer John Feffer.

The workshop will include several performed sections from Serious Play Theatre Ensemble’s multi-media production, MOVING WATER 2024, in connection with an environmental activism project, VALLEY TO VALLEY, presently in development between the Connecticut River Valley of Western Massachusetts & the Intag Valley, Ecuador. This is a new project of Climate Action Now.

MOVING WATER 2024 is a devised physical theatre piece researched and developed by Serious Play in collaboration with writer Eric H. Sanders, composer Jonny Rodgers, the acting ensemble and directed by Smith alumna, Sheryl Stoodley, about climate change, rising sea levels & how water fragility shapes our human interactions. The term “Ecodrama,” coined in 2007 by Theresa May, implies how environment and climate change are interrogated and promoted through performance. While connections to storytelling and nature go back to the earliest forms of recorded theatre, only recently scholars have begun to probe the ways theatre can be used to address climate change and connect audiences back to the natural world.