Smith Houses
A hallmark of the Smith experience is the housing system. Whether you’re a traditionally-aged student or an Ada Comstock Scholar, whether you live in the Quad or on Green Street, at the heart of living at Smith is a keen sense of learning and community. Welcome home.
Neighborhoods & Houses
Each of Smith’s neighborhoods contains a handful of unique houses that vary in architectural style, size, and location. Whether you live in a stately Quad house in the Paradise or Garden Neighborhoods, nearby your academic buildings in the Ivy Neighborhood, or closer to downtown Northampton in the Mountain Neighborhood, each area is integral in helping students feel at home and form community.
Garden Neighborhood
Ivy Neighborhood
Mountain Neighborhood
Paradise Neighborhood
Meadow Neighborhood
River Neighborhood (Ada)
River Neighborhood (Graduate)
Get a Glimpse
Peer into what life is like in a few Smith houses—from the Quad to Green Street—with profiles and interviews with current students.